Your Inside Connection
When it comes to site selection in Mississippi, Cooperative Energy is more than an energy provider. Our business connections, customized incentives and time-saving resources can help you expedite your new construction, relocation or expansion project.
Project Management
We work with our state and local economic developers to streamline project management. To expedite your site selection search, we can provide research, technical assistance, rate estimates, and more.
Data and Research
Need data? Our team has access to workforce, business, demographic and consumer data which we make available to our partners at no cost.
Existing Business & Industry Support
To help existing companies in our area grow and expand, we combine forces with our member system to provide affordable and reliable power and other business support.
Customized Incentives
We offer grants for product development and eligible economic development projects. In addition, incentivized rates in the form of Demand Discounts and/or Energy Discounts may be available.
Marketing & GIS Services
We offer our local communities graphic design and marketing assistance as well as customized mapping and GIS services.
Foreign Direct Investment Assistance
As a foreign company, it can be intimidating to enter a new market, but we are here to help. Check out our “Doing Business in Mississippi – Resource Guide“, to learn more.

The Cooperative Energy Economic Development team is adjusting to the new “normal”; however, our mission remains the same: foster opportunities to create jobs for Mississippians! Each week we release "SPARKnotes" which includes the latest economic development news, market updates, and generally helpful tips.
SPARKnotes Archives
SPARKnotes Site Selectors Edition Archives
Business Climate Flyers
Each year we publish business climate flyers for the 55 counties and four Metropolitan Statistical Areas we serve. The flyers include information on population, workforce, cost of living, and much more.
To access a county's flyer, click the corresponding area on the map or download the full list below, which also includes Memphis, TN-MS-AR, MSA, Gulfport-Biloxi, MS MSA, Hattiesburg, MS MSA, and Jackson, MS MSA.