Transmitting Electricity
Power highways carry electricity throughout Mississippi.
Cooperative Energy’s bulk wholesale power is delivered via more than 1,824 miles of transmission lines and 57,296 miles of distribution lines.

Through the woods
In Mississippi, transmission lines are built through long stretches of forests and woodlands, as well as across swamps, rivers and bayous.

On private property
Power lines are normally built on private property, and companies are permitted to have easements in order to maintain and upgrade the lines and other facilities.

Under constant evaluation
Because consumer demand is ever increasing, the entire system is constantly being evaluated and plans made for timely expansion.
How it works
Transmission lines are operated at high voltage (normally between 69,000 and 230,000 volts), which allows the power to flow effectively and more economically.
When high voltage electricity reaches its intended destination, a substation, the flow is reduced to a distribution voltage (normally about 13,800 volts) and sent along lines to homes and businesses.
When it reaches a residential member, the transformer on a pole (or an underground transformer in front of a house) reduces the voltage again for use in household appliances and other electric-powered equipment (either 110 or 220 volts).