Generating Electricity
Every time you flip a switch, we get to work.
Ever wonder how your electricity works? Or where it comes from? Here’s some info that might enlighten you.

On-demand power
The generating process itself is incredibly responsive — literally, whenever a light is turned on or some other need for electricity is called for, that demand is immediately met by a generator in the system.

Fluctuating demand
When the demand for electricity throughout the system goes up and down, which it does continually during different times of day and seasonally (think about all the heating and air conditioning units operating at one time), additional smaller generating units are called on. Cooperative Energy uses 13 generating units located across Mississippi to meet the additional needs.

Diverse & flexible fuel options
The generating process takes a source of energy and converts it to electricity. Our mix includes:
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Nuclear
- Water (hydro)
- Solar

Supplementing power
We also supplement our own generating capacity by buying power from other utilities. Purchased power is the highest cost involved in providing bulk power to cooperative members, so we negotiate long- and short-term purchased power agreements to ensure an economic and reliable power supply.